Monday, May 3, 2010

About Me

Hey this is Shelby, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about myself. I love horses, and all animals. I love my family, I love my friends, and cannot wait until Summer! I love hunting, and being out in the country. My favorite part about hunting is whenever you actually hit the animal you aimed at, then you feel like you have accomplished something! I love horseback riding because it makes me feel free. I love family because they are always there for you, and friends because they are there when you need to talk to someone other than your family. There you go! Now you know a little more about me!


  1. Wow, you're really looking forward to summer! I love the pictures you included! Lucy is so cute. I am excited to see how your blog transforms as we continue working on this project.
    Is this assignment number 1?
    ~Mrs. A

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So cute, Shelby! I love your pictures, and the fish! ;)

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!!! I went to the store and I saw a guy with lime green hair! CRAZY!

  5. Your blog is really cute Shelby! I love the fish and the pictures of Ace and Lucy! ;D

    ~Hannah Banana Head~
    P.S. I can't believe he had lime green hair!!!

  6. Aww, Shelby you are so sweet! Just to let you know, your friends love you too!

  7. OMG!!!! I love it and you!!!! and your blog is AMAZING hehe!!!

  8. Your blog is so cute! love the pictures!

  9. Haha you and Mr. Bieber... You're crazy! I love the pictures of all of your beautiful little animals. You're so inspirational and super sweet! I love you, Shelby!!

  10. I love it!!!! Your background is soooo you!!! Your pictures and blingies are so cute too!!!!


Bobby and Kitty

Bobby and Kitty
