Saturday, May 15, 2010

There once was a family who had many kids, the older kids one day decided that since all of the little kids were very irritating that they would find someway to keep them out of the way.
The youngest baby, Abigail loved her ducky, named ducky, and she used to run all around the house screaming, "Ducky, Ducky, Ducky!"
So the older kids had an idea,"Lets duck tape her to the wall until Mom and Dad get home!"
Little Abigail didn't like the idea at first, but the older kids told her it would be fun and ducky would be right next to her.
"Let me down! I need to go potty!" screamed Abby, after an hour.
" Mom and Dad are almost home, they'll help you down." the older kids told Abby.
After a couple more hours, Mom and Dad showed up, but Abby already went potty and had fallen fast asleep.


  1. I absolutely love the picture of the baby duct taped to the wall! So hilarious! I laughed out loud! Good story too.
    ~Mrs. A

  2. Haha that is soooo funny I love it Shelby!!!


Bobby and Kitty

Bobby and Kitty
